Is chiropractic safe for children?
Illness, gut issues, allergies, asthma, and other diseases in childhood seem to be constantly under the spotlight of late.
As a Chiropractor our role is not to “cure” anything but rather to focus on the functioning of central nervous system.
When the CNS is at optimal function this then enables the body to use its own innate ability to co-ordinate healing and better function of all organs ensuring overall well-being.
In Australia, a skilled Chiropractor would modify the force applied to child’s spine based on the age and developmental stage of that child.
At Posture Chiropractic, we only work on children aged from 6 months old.
This means that children will not receive a high impact manipulation, which is what I believe, most parents are concerned about.
It is also good for you to know how highly regulated Chiropractic Care is in Australia.
The 5 year full time Chiropractic training covers subjects such as physiotherapy, osteopathy and even general medical training, thus showing how closely aligned and complimentary these practices are.
Our end game is to ensure overall well-being for our patients, according to
Dr. Jennifer Barham-Floreani.