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Improve your muscle function with
Musculoskeletal Acupuncture
Dry Needling
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Not available due to COVID-19 protocols:

​Musculoskeletal acupuncture (dry needling)

​Remedial massage 


What is dry needling?


Dry needling is a therapy which allows us to directly target knots in the muscle or myofascial trigger points,

by inserting a single-use fine filament needle directly into the muscle. 

This will decrease myofascial pain and improve muscle function.


What is the difference between musculoskeletal acupuncture and regular acupuncture?


Dry needling or musculoskeletal acupuncture differs from normal acupuncture in that dry needling works on the myofascial or connective tissue in the muscle.


Acupuncture on the other hand, focuses on restoration of energy flow by targeting key meridians in the body in order to restore balance.


What is a myofascial trigger point?


A myofascial trigger point is characterised by the development of a sensitive nodule in the muscle.

The muscle contains a group of fibres which shorten during activity but are unable to lengthen back to their normal state or relax on completion of the activity.


What causes a myofascial trigger point?


The occurrence of a myofascial trigger point is part of the body’s innate protective response following any number of different situations.
These could be for example:


• An injury
• An increase in intensity during sports training
• Nerve impingement
• Stress or illness
• Prolonged holding of one posture…e.g. sitting for long periods


How does dry needling work?


Dry needling or myofascial acupuncture decreases local pain and restores the muscle’s ability to lengthen and shorten normally by releasing myofascial trigger points.


Does dry needling or myofascial acupuncture hurt?


The answer to this will vary from person to person but generally speaking you may feel a very mild sting on insertion and removal of the needle.

This discomfort, if felt at all, will only last a second before the muscle settles.


When would dry Needling therapy help me?


Dry needling can be a very effective therapy if you are suffering from muscle pain, tenderness or spasm.

It is effective in:


• helping release myofascial trigger points (muscle knots);
• assisting with pain management, and;
• restoring joint movement if inhibited by myofascial trigger points.


If you suffer joint stiffness after inactivity this may be the cause.

If you regularly awaken feeling unrested and suffering from daytime fatigue you may actually be suffering from myofascial pain syndrome.


Is dry needling safe?


In terms of hygiene, dry needling is performed using single-use, sterile needles which are disposed of immediately after use.

As with any form of therapy different people may have different reactions to a treatment.  Any treatment, no matter how minor, can carry associated risks.  We are happy to discuss these with you prior to treatment.


Can I Exercise After Dry Needling?


We recommend you avoid strenuous or high impact activities immediately following the procedure in order to allow the body time to recover, and to maximise the benefits of the treatment.


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Suite 10B, Level 1,
Cremorne Town Centre
287 Military Rd
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9953 9942
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